What is Meet & Greet Parking?

Meet and greet parking at Southend Airport allows customers to drive to the nearby short stay car park. Here, they will be met by a fully insured chauffeur who will transfer their car to a security protected car park, while they take the short walk to the check-in desks. On return, customers will head to the original drop-off point or a meeting point agreed at the time of departure.

Why book Southend Airport Meet & Greet Parking?

Anyone travelling with young children, mobility issues, or bulky luggage will certainly appreciate the benefits of meet and greet parking.

Swap the transfer bus for a short stroll to the check-in desks and you’ll never look back.

It’s not just an expensive luxury, either. Get your instant quote now and you could be pleasantly surprised by just how affordable meet and greet is.

No products available at the moment

Unfortunately, we do not offer any parking products at Southend Airport. We hope to add some in the near future. Please check back soon for further details of new car parks on offer.
Please click below to see a full list of all products we currently provide at this airport.

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